Sunday, December 4, 2011

Celebrating the Holidays

Do you and your family celebrate Christmas? If you do, there is a fun website to help you count down to Santa's arrival!

NORAD, the North American Aerospace Defense Command, and its predecessor CONAD began tracking Santa in 1955. Since then, how the organization has tracked Santa has changed, and on Christmas Eve NORAD uses Google Earth, one of the applications that our class uses in Social Studies, to track Santa and teach kids a little bit more about unique locations around the world.

In addition to following Santa's journey, there are some fun logical thinking games that you can play in Santa's Village. Each day a new game is added to test your thinking skills. This year Day 1 is the Christmas Tree Light Up, and it is super challenging even on the easy level. Give it a try and tell us how fast you and your family (or your classmates) can light up the tree in the comments!

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