Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Off to a Busy Start

It has been a busy first 6 days in the Bair's Den! We celebrated our "Happy New Year" by learning how to open our lockers, getting to know each other a little better, and learning a lot about how things work around Bear Creek.

The students on Team Kit Kat (or team 4A) got to learn how similar we are by playing 20 questions. The teachers would ask a question, and we would stand up and give a high 5 to others who answered the same as us. Some of the questions included, "Have you ever flown in an airplane?" and, "Do you have more than 4 brothers and sisters?" We also found out who has lived in other states and who went to another state for vacations this summer. It was great to get to know each other and make some new friends!

Kit Kat kids and teachers playing 20 questions

Besides decorating our doors, we had a "New Years Celebration" before lunch on the first day of school! All of the fourth graders came out in the hallway and used noise makers to celebrate the new year. It was quite the noisy experience, but it was a lot of fun. Our final special New Year's celebration was to make our own party hats. We decorated the hats with things that told a little about ourselves, and as you can see we make quite a handsome crew!

Throughout the first 6 days we have been focused on being good teammates. We are thinking about how our actions affect others, we took our first pretest and started our math classes, we're learning how to do classroom routines like Read to Self and Work on Writing, and we're all learning to find our place at Bear Creek. So it has definitely been a busy week, but don't worry; even with all that work we Bair's Den kids - we still know how to have some fun!!

Yup - we are super silly!

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