Monday, August 29, 2011

A Little Tour of Bear Creek

If you haven't had a chance to watch the Bear Creek welcome videos, I thought it would be fun to give you a little tour of what you'll be seeing when you come to school next Tuesday! Let's take a look at our new school:


This is the main entrance to the school where you'll come in if you ride the bus or if your parents drop you off out front. If you walk to school on the walking path you'll come in the side of the building right next to our classroom!

These are three areas where you will have specials: the Instructional Media Center (IMC), or what we used to call the library, the gym and part of the music room. While the pictures may be a little dark you can see that these are big rooms where lots of learning and fun will take place!

These two pictures show you the stage and the cafeteria. You'll be eating lunch with the rest of the fourth graders, and we'll also come to assemblies with the rest of the fourth grade class. I'm not sure if we'll be having whole school assemblies - we'll have to wait and see about that.

Our hallway is the first classroom hallway that you come to after passing the IMC and gym. Our walls have that amazing blue color, and you can't miss the giant 4! If you take the steps below the 4 they will take you to our hallway in the lower level.

And these pictures show you our classroom! It's not *quite* finished, but that's mostly because you all aren't here to help me out. We have lots to do to make this our home for the year!

I hope you have enjoyed this little tour. I am really looking forward to meeting some of you on Wednesday and Thursday at our Open Houses. If you can't make it, don't worry - we will have plenty of time to talk starting next week!

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