Thursday, February 28, 2013


One of the units in math this marking period is probability. When we think about probability we think about whether or not something could actually happen. A lot of us were surprised that this is math because right now, it doesn't really have anything to do with numbers! But we have learned a lot of words like:

  • impossible
  • unlikely
  • equally likely
  • more likely
  • certain
and how they related to our lives. We had a great time working with partners to show things in our lives that fit in each of those categories. Coming up with things that were impossible was the best part! After we added our own ideas to post-its we swapped our probability line with another pair, and they had to try and put our post-its back in the correct spots on the line. There was some very interesting discussions about what people put in each spot. 

This was a really fun activity to learn about probability, and we're looking forward to learning more with our partners!

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