Sunday, April 7, 2013

Busy, Busy Days!

We have had two very busy weeks in the Bair's Den (and out - hence the slow posts)! But we are back and have a lot to share with you.

First, an ecosystem update. Our mini-ecosystems are doing quite well; we still have three fish, 7 snails, and our plants thriving. Each team has something alive and having fun in its aquarium. No more of our fish succumbed to the ick which has us thinking that there must have been something about the white goldfish that made them more likely to get sick. One of Mrs. Towsen's white fish also died, but her other one is fine so this is still a mystery to us.

Our outside ecosystems are coming to life! We have several pairs of ducks and geese that have started living at our ponds, and our class got to see the Great Blue Heron land and take off. It is such a beautiful bird, and we all like to watch it land right outside of our window.

We've been working very hard to learn long division in math, to practice our reading skills, and to write campaign speeches for our favorite fruits and vegetables to learn about persuasive writing. Be on the lookout because YOU will be able to vote for the winner very soon!

Probably the most exciting thing in our classroom in the last two weeks was our very first Mystery Skype session. A Mystery Skype is when we use Skype to talk to another class in the United States. We don't know where they are, and they don't know where we are - we have to use clues to figure it out! Our first Mystery Skype class session was with a class in Illinois, which we correctly guessed after some great questions developed by our Researchers and Question Askers. Other jobs included Question Answerers, Recorders and our Media Team. The media team was responsible for taking pictures, tweeting, and creating a movie about our experience, and they did a fantastic job. Please sit back and enjoy the video of our first Mystery Skype!

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